Divorce and Family Law - MLP Law

Divorce and Family Law

Navigating the Complex Journey of Divorce and Family Law

If you are navigating the complexities of divorce, associated financial concerns, or matters related to children, our family law services offer expert guidance to help you through these challenging times. Understanding that each client’s situation is unique, we provide personalised advice tailored to your specific needs.

Whether you are seeking fair financial settlements, striving to resolve disputes amicably, or dealing with the sensitive issues surrounding child custody and support, we are here to support and represent your best interests. Our approach is to listen attentively, understand your priorities, and then work tirelessly to achieve the most favourable outcome for you and your family. With our professional assistance, you can expect clear, compassionate, and competent guidance every step of the way, ensuring that you feel informed, supported, and confident in the decisions you make for your future.

Request a consultation with Colin Hornby – our experienced family lawyer to discuss how we can help you to navigate through the complex journey of Divorce and Family Law

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Understanding Divorce: More Than Just a Legal Separation

Divorce marks a significant turning point in an individual’s life. It’s not merely the ending of marriage; it’s a complex process that entails untangling shared lives, responsibilities, and assets. At mlplaw, we understand that divorce is more than just a legal declaration; it’s a personal and emotional journey.

Financial Matters: A Distinct Aspect of Marriage Breakdown

One of the most challenging aspects of a divorce is resolving financial matters. This process is distinct from the divorce itself. It involves intricate details like asset division, debt allocation, and potentially, spousal support. Financial negotiations can be complex, often requiring expert legal guidance to ensure fair and equitable resolutions. Our team at mlplaw is adept at navigating these financial intricacies, ensuring your interests are protected.

Children’s Matters: A Separate, Vital Consideration

Our experienced solicitors at mlplaw are expert in matters concerning children – such as custody, visitation rights, and child support. These cases often require a separate sensitive and specialised approach. These aspects of family law require not just legal expertise but also a compassionate understanding of the family’s needs.

Expert Legal Advice for Complex Family Law Disputes

At mlplaw, we specialise in navigating the most complex types of family law disputes. Whether it’s the financial ramifications of a marriage breakdown, or sensitive issues surrounding children, our legal team has the expertise and experience to guide you through. We’re committed to providing personalised, empathetic, and effective legal solutions to our clients.

Your Partners in Navigating Family Law Challenges

Embarking on the path of divorce and family law matters can be daunting. But with mlplaw by your side, you’re not alone. We bring a blend of legal acumen and compassionate advocacy to ensure your journey through these challenging times is navigated with care and expertise.

Our services include:

  • Divorce and associated financial issue: Pre/post nuptial agreements, Cohabitation agreements Separation agreements,  Complex financial issues, Interim/urgent remedies, Applications to obtain expert reports to value businesses/ pensions, Variation applications, Enforcement applications, Other types of divorce/financial issues
  • Children matters: Applications for a child arrangements orders, Relocation (internal and external), Finding of fact hearings, Cross-cultural cases, Applications within proceedings, Enforcement applications, Most other types of children issues
  • Other areas include: Non-molestation applications, Occupation Order applications, Unmarried couple dispute concerning property

Our Approach

Choosing the right lawyer for a family law case is crucial, as it significantly impacts both the legal outcome and your emotional well-being. Family law cases are deeply personal, involving sensitive aspects of your life and future. Therefore, it’s essential to select a solicitor who is not only legally proficient but also empathetic to your situation.

Our solicitors brings a wealth of experience, enabling them to navigate complex legal issues effectively and tailor strategies to your unique case.

We are compassionate and who understand our clients concerns and objectives and provide clear communication, guide you through the legal process, and work collaboratively with you to make informed decisions. This approach is not just about winning a case but ensuring a positive transition into your next life chapter.


“I’ve had the benefit of Colin’s services for the past four years over several court cases. I can honestly say I wouldn’t be in the position I’m in today without Colin’s help and expertise. Colin has always gone above and beyond to help me in every way. Colin is very approachable and goes out of his way to help in a very timely manner. The advice I’ve always received from Colin has been very clear, honest and I was always kept fully aware. I would highly recommend Colin to anybody looking for a solicitor in family law. Thank you for everything.”



  1. What Are the Grounds for Divorce?

    The grounds for divorce before April 2022 used to be unreasonable behaviour, 2-years separation with consent, 5-years separation, adultery and desertion.

    Since April 2022, the only ground for divorce is ‘irretrievable breakdown’. This is done by simply ticking a box within the divorce application. No narrative or statement needs to be made. It’s important to consult with a solicitor to understand the specific grounds applicable.

  2. How Is Property/Assets Divided in a Divorce?

    Property division during divorce typically follows the principle of equitable distribution, meaning assets are divided fairly but not necessarily equally. Factors considered include the length of the marriage, each spouse’s financial contribution, and future needs. Importantly, the court will first consider the welfare of any children of the marriage.

  3. Does a divorce end all financial ties?

    No. A divorce does not end all financial ties between spouses. You will remain financially ‘connected’ until a Court order dismisses all claims. This is done by submitting a financial clean break order to the Court whether in proceedings or agreed between you both at mediation etc.

  4. How Is Spousal Support Determined?

    Spousal support, depends on factors like the length of the marriage, each spouse’s financial situation, and the standard of living during the marriage. It aims to ensure that neither spouse faces financial hardship post-divorce. However, it is important to keep in mind that even if there is a need for support, it will all depend upon the payers ability to pay.

    You may be able to get interim-spousal maintenance depending upon your financial situation and the payers ability to pay.

  5. What Are the Legal Fees for Divorce?

    Legal fees can vary widely based on the complexity of the case, the solicitor’s rates, and the length of proceedings. Some solicitors may offer a flat fee for uncomplicated cases or hourly rates for more involved situations.

    We charge fixed fees in all divorce matters. My fees for a divorce are £1,000 + VAT. There is a Court fee of £593 which is payable to His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS)

  6. What Does the Private Children Matters Cover?

    Private Children matters primarily deals with issues surrounding the upbringing of a child when parents are separated. This includes decisions about where the child will live, how much time they spend with each parent, and specific issues like schooling and medical care.

  7. How Is Child Custody Determined in the UK?

    Child custody is a fairly old term nowadays. It is now known as ‘child arrangements’ (lives with / spends time with), is determined based on the child’s best interests. The court considers several factors, including the child’s ascertainable wishes and feelings, emotional, physical, and educational needs, the impact of change, how capable each parent is of meeting a child’s needs and any harm the child has suffered or is at risk of suffering.

  8. What Is a ‘No Order Principle’ in Children Act Cases?

    The ‘no order principle’ is a fundamental concept in Children Act cases. It dictates that a court should not make an order relating to a child unless it considers doing so would be better for the child than making no order at all. It encourages parents to reach agreements without court intervention where possible.

  9. Can I Apply for a Child Arrangements Order?

    Certain people, such as parents, guardians, those who have parental responsibility by virtue of section 4A of the Children Act or any person who is named, in a child arrangements order that is in force with respect to a child, as person with whom the child is to live. Others may require permission from the court. It’s important to consult a solicitor to understand your specific circumstances.

  10. How Does Shared Parenting Work After Separation?

    Shared parenting after separation involves both parents taking an active role in their child’s life. The exact arrangement varies, but the focus is on ensuring the child maintains a meaningful relationship with both parents, balanced with their schooling and social activities.

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how we can help

0161 926 9969

Why choose the mlplaw team?

  • Colin is has an accreditation in Client Care from the Law Society and provides fixed fees in all types of family law matters.

“Approachable, clear and honest”

“Unbelievably helpful, supportive and reassuring”

“Always very professional, understanding, knowledgeable and informative”

“Colin had to rectify errors made by my previous solicitors firm. He goes above and beyond””

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